Science Says Your Boogers Are Good For You To Eat!?

Science is good for a lot of things but sometimes you just scratch your head and wonder… who pays for this kind of stuff.. Harvard and MIT tuition going to good use. This is the story that almost made Bridget vomit this morning

So there is new research out there that shows eating snot could help people’s immune systems, fight respiratory infections, stomach ulcers, and even HIV. AND.. yes more snot eating goodness,  scientists have found that people who use their booger hooker and successfully strike gold and eat the booger booty are overall not only healthier, but happier, than those outside the booger eating community.

Scientist conducting studies at both Harvard and MIT have concluded booger eating is apparently no longer a thing children should be discouraged from doing because boogers contain ‘a rich reservoir of good bacteria’ that helps defend against illness when ingested, just like medicine does. The science on this is advanced that researchers are apparently already working on producing mucus toothpaste and snot chewing gum for those who want to load up on good-boogie-bacteria without the chore of mining it themselves. Yes booger mucus chewing gum and toothpaste… (insert dry heave here)

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