Street Address
Radio Cincinnati – WRRM, WGRR, WFTK, WNNF, and WOFX
4805 Montgomery Rd, Suite 300
Cincinnati, OH 45212
Telephone Numbers
Business Phone: 513-241-9898
Business Fax: 513-241-6689
Studio/Request Line: 513-749-9650
E-Mail Addresses
Promotions: [email protected]
HR/Market Controller: [email protected]
Web Site: [email protected]
Jon Laing, Sales Manager
(513) 412-7054 / [email protected]
Submitting PSAs
Cumulus Media Cincinnati is dedicated to our Public Affairs Policy and serving the Greater Cincinnati Community. If you have a Public Service Announcement that you would like us to run for a non-profit organization or event, please e-mail the information to our PSA Director Angie Irick at: [email protected]. PSA submissions must be received 6 to 8 weeks prior to the event date.
PSA Criteria:
- Events or information must be submitted by a not-for-profit organization or non-profit agency.
- Events or information should have appeal and value to our stations’ audience and/or provide som service or benefit to the community and listeners.
- Events should be located in the geographic region served by our stations.
- Events or information related to candidates for office or political organizations will not be aired.