The AMA’s Pretty Much Forgot About Rock And Roll In Their Nominee Selections

The nominees for the “American Music Awards” were announced this week . . . and has pointed out that NO rock acts were nominated in the pop / rock categories . . . which are lumped together for some reason. The pop / rock categories include nominees like:  Justin Bieber, Post Malone, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, the Jonas Brothers, BTS, Maroon 5, Harry Styles, The Weeknd, and Dua Lipa.…MORE

28 Years Ago: Stone Temple Pilots Made Their Debut With Core

On Sept. 29, 1992, the band arrived on the scene by releasing their debut disc Core. The Stone Temple Pilots story starts several years earlier, as the DeLeo brothers left their home base in New Jersey, with older brother Dean getting a job offer in California and briefly giving up music. “This was in probably ’85.…MORE

The Most Popular Artists and Genres to Work Out To

How the hell is Lady Gaga the best music to listen to while working out? i have serious misgivings about this study… Listen to some hard Rock or metal and your work out will be way more intense – Nick This is from the study done on work out music “The website did a…MORE

Jonathan Davis Did Not Have a Good Time On Meth

Davis insisted that he never got “weird, crazy psychosis” while abusing the drug in the 1990s, but admitted “I met a lot of people that did, and that was when it gets scary.”“I started doing meth when I moved to Huntington [Beach], and there’s a lot of meth there from Bakersfield, and I got hooked up…MORE

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