Category Archives: Uncategorized

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96ROCK Presents Steel PantherDecember 7thBogart’s Jelly Roll’s show at Riverbend on the 28th is SOLD OUT, but 96ROCK is getting YOU in!  Sign up below for a shot to win tickets to the show… PLUS, one lucky ROCKHEAD will score Jelly Roll’s Bad Apple Lounge Experience!  You’ll be invited to the Jelly Roll VIP Lounge…MORE

Support Ukraine

Support Ukraine

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine intensifying, a humanitarian crisis is emerging.  Over 500,000 Ukrainian men, women, and children have already been displaced.  Innocent people have had to flee their homes, and take refuge in bomb shelters, and subway stations throughout the entire country.  As we witness these events unfolding on TV and social media,…MORE

Submitting PSAs

Cumulus Media Cincinnati is dedicated to our Public Affairs Policy and serving the Greater Cincinnati Community. If you have a Public Service Announcement that you would like us to run for a non-profit organization or event, please e-mail the information to our PSA Director Steve Mann at: [email protected].  Deadline for submission of PSA details for…MORE

Corey Taylor Says Stone Sour Is On An “Indefinite Hiatus”

Corey Taylor Says Stone Sour Is On An “Indefinite Hiatus”

“I feel like Stone Sour has kinda run its course for now,” Taylor told The Green Room with Neil Griffiths podcast. “We all talked as a band and decided to kinda put Stone Sour in indefinite hiatus. That’s the way it is. We’ve put it on the shelf for now. Everyone’s kind of going and doing their…MORE

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